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CAU201 test
Format | CAU201 Course Contents | CAU201 Course Outline | CAU201 test
Syllabus | CAU201 test
This certification provides the practical knowledge and technical skills to maintain day-to-day operations and support the on-going performance of the CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution. Preparation Exam
To schedule an test
please use the following link: Schedule Exam
The test
has 65 multiple-choice questions.
You have 90 minutes to complete the exam.
The test
fee is $200 USD.
Passing score: 70%
In preparation for the CyberArk Defender Certification it is highly recommended you review the Level 2: Defender test
Study Guide and take the course CyberArk Privileged Access Security (PAS) Administration
A CyberArk Certified Defender is capable of performing the following tasks:
Describing the system architecture and workflows. Successfully managing passwords (Verification, Change, and Reconciliation). Onboarding accounts using Accounts Discovery and the Password Upload Utility. Configuring sessions to be directed through a PSM. Monitoring recorded sessions. Describing how connections through a PSMP can be established. Modifying Master Policy settings. Producing reports on various system and user activities. Monitoring the CyberArk implementation. Describing and configuring the various logs that are available to troubleshoot problems. Utilizing the knowledge base and other available resources to resolve problems. Performing common administrative tasks.
The CyberArk Defender Certification tests examanees ability to form the following tasks in seven knowledge domains. Only
functions of the Core PAS Solution are included.
Account Onboarding
Perform a bulk upload of accounts using Password Upload Utility or REST
Create an Onboarding Rule
Onboard an account from the pending accounts list
Setup a Unix Discovery
Setup a Windows Discovery
Manually onboard an account
Onboard SSH Keys with Account Uploader
Application Management
Describe tools that could be used to monitor CyberArk Application Health
Use PrivateArk with Proficiency
Describe how each component communicates with others or devices on network at a high level
Maintain an appropriate chain of custody for Encryption Keys
Ongoing Maintenance
Restore DR to normal operation after a failover
Backup Vault Data with PAReplicate
Resync a credential file by running createcredfile manually on the command line
Identify the log files for each component
Identify and locate component configuration files
Assemble necessary log files for submission to a case (X-RAY)
Ensure each component is operational
Open a support case with appropriate description and severity
Create or Upvote an ER
Restore an object to the vault from a PAReplicate Backup
Password Management Configuration
Configure a request/approval process
Configure workflow processes to ensure non-repudiation
Setup automatic verification, management, and reconciliation of passwords or SSH Keys
Explain the differences between a logon versus a reconcile account
Configure a logon account
Configure a reconcile account
Properly configure the SearchForUsages Platform parameter
Configure workflow processes to reduce the risk of credential theft
Configure workflow processes to comply with audit/regulatory policies
Import a Custom Platform from the Marketplace
Duplicate a Platform
Manage the password of a supported usage
Provision a Safe
Follow a safe naming convention
Configure Safe Retention
Configure Management of Workstation Passwords using Loosely Connected Devices
Add a User/Group to a safe in accordance with access control policies
Use an OOB Platform to manage a device
Security and Audit
Configure a Response to Unmanaged Credentials
Describe the various PTA detections
Configure Automatic Session Termination
Configure a Response to Credential Theft
Search for a recording
Utilize safe permissions to limit the scope of reports for specific users
Understand the purpose of EVD
Grant appropriate permission to allow users to run reports
Describe all reports and what information they deliver
a user
Review a recording
Configure email alerts in PTA
Session Management Configuration
Configure the Master Policy to enable the PSM
Grant Access to view recordings
Configure a recording safe
Make a PSM for SSH Connection using an SSH Client
Make a PSM Connection using the Connect Button
Make a PSM Connection using an RDP Client
Setup text based or video based recordings on PSM
Configure the PSM to utilize the HTML5 Gateway
Configure the Master Policy to enable the connect button
Configure the Master Policy to create PSM recordings
Configure a split workflow
Describe connection components and what they do
User Management Configuration
Be able to describe the difference between safe and vault level permissions without the GUI (web or PA client)
Add an LDAP User/Group to a Local Group
Configure additional LDAP hosts
Validate Proper Function of Pre-Configured Directory Mappings
Verify an LDAP Configuration is using SSL
Add a User to a Vault Group
Configure Safe Level Permissions on a User or Group
Configure Vault Level Permissions on a User
Describe the purpose of each Built-In Vault User
Login as the Master user
Provision an internally authenticated user in the vault
Set/Reset a Vault Users Password
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