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CVA test
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Certified Valuation Analyst® (CVA®) Determine, Defend, and Maximize Company Value™
Business valuation is the "Gold Rush" of the century. 10 million small businesses will change hands over the next 10 years. Could you confidently advise your clients if they came to you faced with these issues=>
An opportunity arises to sell or merge the business.
They are faced with transitioning the business to family members or other partners.
They are looking to expand the business and need to secure capital.
They are taking on new partners and need to determine buy-in price.
They are reaching retirement and considering an exit strategy.
Business partners or shareholders are exiting, requiring the business to be divided or dissolved.
They are embroiled in financial litigation.
They want to focus energies to grow company value.
Establish your authority in matters of value! Bolster your reputation with your clients. Enhance your credibility within the business community. Demonstrate competency to the courts that you can articulate business value.
A. Purpose for business valuation 0.5%
1. Financial accounting
2. Tax valuations
3. Litigation
4. Merger and acquisition
B. Standards of value 1.5%
1. Definitions of standards of value, including
a) Fair market value (U.S. based definition as starting point)
b) Statutory fair value
c) Financial reporting fair value
(1) IFRS
(2) U.S. GAAP
d) Investment (strategic) value
e) Intrinsic (fundamental) value
2. Relationship between purpose of the valuation and standard of value
C. Premise of value 0.5%
1. Going concern
2. Assemblage of assets
3. Liquidation (orderly or forced)
D. Principles of value 1.0%
1. Value is determined as of specific point in time
2. Value reflects prospective cash flow
3. Value reflects the level of risk into the rate of return
4. Value is influenced by liquidity
E. Levels of value 0.5%
1. Lack of control (minority vs. control)
2. Marketable vs. non-marketable
3. Strategic and investment value
A. NACVA Standards 1.5%
B. Ethical considerations 1.0%
C. Communicating and reporting analysis and results 1.0%
D. Roles of the valuation analyst in litigation services 1.0%
A. Defining the engagement 1.0%
1. Valuation date and its importance
2. Structure of the entity
3. Interest being valued
4. Purpose and objective of valuation
5. Standard of value and premise of value
6. Conflict checks
B. Engagement Letters 1.0%
1. Purpose
2. Content
C. Acceptance 1.0%
1. Experience
2. Staffing
3. Expectations
A. International Sources of Data 1.5%
B. Economic Environment 1.5%
1. Macro-environment
2. Micro-environment
3. Relationship of economic activity to the valuation
C. Industry background 3.0%
1. Economic data
2. Structure, trends, and life cycle
3. Market and competitive analysis
D. Company background 3.0%
1. Company structure and ownership
2. Site visit and interviews with key personnel
3. History and nature
4. Economic data (cost structure, pricing power, marginal analysis)
5. SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
A. Financial statements 4.5%
1. Source (audited/reviewed/compiled/tax returns/internal)
2. Number of years to obtain
3. Common size
4. Trend analysis
5. Ratios
6. Comparative analysis
a) Specific company
b) Industry averages
B. Adjustments to financial statements 4.5%
1. Normalizing
a) Control vs. non-control
b) Discretionary
c) Reasonable compensation analysis
d) Extraordinary/non-recurring
2. Operating vs. non-operating items
3. Off-balance sheet and unrecorded items
C. Statistical Analysis 3.0%
1. Measures of central tendency (arithmetic, harmonic, geometric means)
2. Measures of dispersion (including variance and standard deviation)
3. Statistical strengths of numerical relationships (including covariance, correlation, coefficient of determination, and coefficient of variation)
4. Linear regression
D. Types of benefit streams and selection 3.5%
1. Selection of appropriate time periods (including mid-year convention)
2. Selection of appropriate type of income/cash flow
3. Growth assumptions
a) Trend line projected
b) Constant
c) Erratic
d) Level
e) Declining growth approaches
E. Historical vs. projection based on considerations
F. Relating effects due to economic/industry events and trends
G. Pass-through entities – tax effecting of the benefit stream
A. Income approach 10%
1. General theory
2. Defining applicable income/cash flow
3. Sources of data
4. Capitalization vs. discount rates
5. Commonly used methods
a) Discounted economic income/cash flow method (DCF) (multi-stage model)
(1) The method is applied using cash flow available to invested capital
(2) The method is applied using cash flow available to equity
b) Capitalized economic income/cash flow method (CCF), including Gordon Growth
Model (constant growth model)
(1) The method is applied using cash flow available to invested capital
(2) The method is applied using cash flow available to equity
c) Excess earnings (cash flow) method
d) Dividend paying capacity
B. Market approach 8.0%
1. General theory
2. Commonly used methods
a) Transactions in subject companys stock
b) Transactions/sales of companies similar to subject
(1) Guideline public companies
(a) General theory
(b) Selecting guideline companies
i) Sources of data
ii) Size adjustments
(c) Equity vs. invested capital (including multiples)
(d) Selection of appropriate time periods
(e) Selection of appropriate multiples
i) Adjusting for growth, size, and company specific risk
(2) Guideline merged and acquired companies
(a) General theory
(b) Sources of data/relevant transactional databases
(c) Consideration of the selection of data points
C. Asset Approach 6.0%
1. General theory
2. Sources of data
3. Commonly used methods
a) Book value
b) Net tangible value
c) Adjusted net asset method (intangible and tangible assets)
d) Excess earnings method
e) Liquidation method (forced or orderly)
4. Identifying and valuing intangible assets
a) Approaches and methods
b) Estimated life
c) Impairment
5. Off-balance sheet and unrecorded items (including tax issues)
D. Sanity Checks 2.0%
1. General theory
2. Sources of data
3. Commonly used methods
a) Industry formulas (“Rules of Thumb”)
b) Justification of purchase
E. Reconciliation of indicated values 2.0%
A. Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) 6.0%
1. Risk free rate
2. Equity risk premium
3. Beta (ß) including un-levered and re-levered
B. Build-up method and Modified CAPM 5.5%
1. Risk free rate
2. Equity risk premium
3. Beta (ß) including un-levered and re-levered
4. Size risk premium
5. Industry risk premium
6. Company specific risk
7. Long-term sustainable growth
8. Other
C. Weighted average cost of capital 4.0%
D. Converting after tax risk rates to pre-tax rates 1.0%
E. Other recognized methods (e.g. Gordon Growth, Arbitrage Pricing, Fama- French Three Factor, Market Multiples, Risk Rate Component Model) 1.0%
A. Levels of value and effect on discounts and premiums 2.0%
1. Synergistic value
2. Control value
3. Non-controlling, marketable value
4. Non-controlling, non-marketable value
B. Adjustments for Control Issues 3.5%
1. General theory
2. Sources of data
3. Ownership characteristics
4. Magnitude
5. Relationship to how benefit stream is defined
C. Adjustments for Marketability Issues 3.5%
1. General theory
2. Sources of data
3. Ownership characteristics
4. Restrictions on transferability
5. Magnitude
6. Models
D. Discounts and premiums—understanding the empirical studies 2.0%
E. Subsequent events 1.0%
F. Other valuation discounts and adjustments (e.g. Key Person, Blockage, Restrictive Agreement, Lack of Voting, Lack of Liquidity, Contingent Liabilities) 1.0%
A. Intangible assets 2.0%
B. Debt securities 0.5%
C. Convertible securities 0.5%
D. Preferred stock 0.5%
E. Stock options 0.5%
F. Voting vs. Non-voting stock 0.5%
G. Professional vs. practice goodwill 0.5%
H. Other special purpose valuations (e.g. Fair Value, Mergers and Acquisitions, Pension Benefits, Insurance policies) 0.5%
Total 100%
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Financial Certified Dumps
during this interview with NIKE POPOOLA, the Managing Director, Lagos State Waste administration Authority, Ibrahim Odumboni, speaks on efforts to ensure environmental sustainability in the state
How is LAWMA ensuring the success of environmental sustainability?
Environmental sustainability is very sizeable. It does not mean residing devoid of luxuries but being privy to your useful resource consumption and cutting back needless waste. Social pride, effectivity growth and innovation are the key drivers to achieve sustainability. we've sustainability specialists in LAWMA. We do enterprise throughout all our programmes from waste collection to disposal, the PSP programme, the landfills operations and others, ensuring that our entire operations are according to making certain that we adhered to the environmental sustainable dreams.
what is the reason of the partnership between LAWMA and a few banks?
the key aspect about this partnership is that it brings sustainability to solid waste management in Lagos State as waste management is the accountability of all. The corporations we presently partner with already had their corporate Social accountability plans drawn up for the yr 2021 and our engagement with them closing yr, around October/November 2021, gave us the benefits that we now have now. in terms of what the corporations support us with, we now have Heritage bank, NIMASA, Tangerine life and Rotary club (Eko Atlantic branch) – all aiding us with recycling. entry bank and legislations Union & Rock helping us with LAWMA Academy, while FirstBank is with our sweeping sanitation. as an example, in total, we've over 150 recyclable bins donated via our recycling companions and over 15,000 sweepers’ uniforms rebranded.
what's LAWMA doing to upgrade the waste management device in Lagos?
The process of waste administration, generation, collection and disposal varies from city to metropolis, and it includes a big financial and human capital investment coupled with calls for for advocacy and focus with residents. The current Lagos State executive, led via Governor Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu, with the aid of the Ministry of atmosphere and Water supplies, led by the Commissioner for environment and Water supplies, Mr Tunji Bello, are in tune with this and at present leading the way in Nigeria. relating to recycling, Lagos State has begun recycling formally in view that the inception of the latest administration and, over the final six months, has scaled up with the revamp of Blue box Initiative to Lagos Recycles; introduction of expertise via PAKAM App; provision of incentive scheme; collaboration with company enterprises for production and distribution of recycling boxes to airports, faculties, hospitals and different public areas; inauguration of Lagos Recyclers association; capability building for our licensed recyclers, and engagement with meals and Beverage Recycling Alliance, United nations Industrial building firm, World financial institution, to mention just a few. The optimal aim is to divert 20 per cent of our waste collected that are recyclables from our disposal sites.
On disposal of waste and waste to power initiative, it is usual that there are various approaches to it which consist of open dumping, landfilling, sanitary landfill for gasification and incineration system for energy generation, amongst others. In Lagos, at the moment, we have the landfills gadget, and within the closing 9 months, we've expedited efforts to make certain that we stream away from that as promptly as possible because of its long-term environmental influence while we mitigate that. As we appear on the imaginative and prescient of Lagos up to 2030, we deserve to get a hold of useful techniques of managing our waste disposal in Lagos because the metropolis is surrounded by using water and limited in landmass availability. it is important that we now have the correct selections made, quite doing whatever thing that isn't sustainable. we now have started partnering with a considerable number of businesses that engage in sustainable how you can energy.
we're discussing with a number of environmentally-mindful businesses to deliver
us quite a few alternatives to discover. we have also sent our group of in-condo specialists to distinctive international locations and seminars to verify the available waste management fashions in these nations. we will benchmark our metropolis with nations similar to Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Netherlands and Venezuela in terms of topography, inhabitants and different environmental challenges. We want to obtain whatever this is extra sustainable for Lagos State and Lagosians. it's our aim to be sure that any initiative we embark on is at an inexpensive charge for the state and residents as smartly.
Olusosun dumpsite has undergone transformations. what is your plan for it?
the future purpose for Olusosun is to decommission the site and begin the use of it for a waste-to-energy plant where the waste there can be transformed to power by way of proponents which have shown pastime. as a result of fresh urbanisation challenges at Olusosun, the latest know-how waste administration plan is required for the site. The essence of decommissioning the dumpsite is to limit the influences of the landfill to people dwelling round there. For the dumpsite that Visionscape initiated at Epe, we have adopted that, and we're managing it.
it is quite similar to the landfill strategy we have at Olusosun. but what we're doing is that we're collaborating with the waste management development crew to perform environmental impact evaluation, measures to place in location a sanitary landfill or incineration plant so that we are able to initiate a contemporary strong waste management plan. The intention for us is to be sure that we build anything it truly is environmentally friendly and state-of-the-artwork technology rather than landfilling. For the likes of Olusosun, the pre-decommissioning procedure has started with the capping of the sites with laterites in growth; so, when it rains, it goes eco-friendly on it and it will birth degenerating and we start convalescing the location ready for close, so that we will circulation on.
To what prolong has LAWMA been capable of obtain the mandates given to it by using the Lagos State executive?
My responsibility and mandate given are spelled out within the Lagos State Environmental insurance policy and management legislation 2017. It stipulates that we're saddled with the accountability to make certain a always cleaner Lagos is completed in an environmentally sustainable way and confirm here is additionally carried out with greater consideration given to human fitness demand. here's also neatly emphasised beneath the existing administration’s themes agenda with the primary letter E standing for ambiance and fitness. moreover, strong waste administration is a collective human accountability, now not just the company’s, because the part we all play determines the benefits to us all, and i am just main from the front because the accountability champion. In doing this, we collaborate with different corporations inside the state, other key stakeholders within the deepest sector and align with the policies and agendas of our parent ministry. The commitment to easily manage our solid waste is a regular effort in a proactive method; for this reason, all arms should be on deck to ensure that progress is made on the over 14,000 metric tonnes of waste generated daily.
when you compare solid waste management when Visionscape turned into managing the waste administration of the state to what we've now, you will start to see the magnitude of the development the Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu administration has revamped the final two years now. Visionscape had a goal of two,000 metric tonnes daily, averaging over a hundred and fifty journeys in comparison to the over 800 trips we now have accomplished each day presently. We also have the mandate of the state to ensure an excellent and sustainable solid waste management plan is put in area for the future.
when it comes to deliverables to date, we have made massive progress in the initiation of recycling/separation of waste from supply, launch of LAWMA Academy for merchandising of waste training and attention throughout all a while, reforming of our PSPs for provider optimisation and sustainable potential constructing. On disposal, we now have had a fully rehabilitated landfill and have proactively commenced the analysis for our future needs as we can't proceed with the existing common strategy. i am extremely confident that this administration is on the right direction to convey the first revolution for waste administration in Lagos.
As a part of our plan for valuable solid waste disposal administration, we created our own blueprint, which resulted in the inauguration of our Waste administration Unit. This unit is saddled with the accountability of accomplishing analysis and construction activities to be sure sustainability with regards to strong waste disposal. They research on what we have at the moment and what we will do sooner or later; they go back and forth to a variety of international locations to understudy the latest traits efforts in waste management and check what various international stakeholders are asserting.
What are the key boom initiatives that LAWMA beneath your watch has launched, and what growth has been made up to now?
one of the key growth initiatives we now have implemented under my watch is the repositioning of LAWMA which changed into championed via the Governor, Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu. The center of attention has been how to more desirable position LAWMA whereas considering that the long run ahead. So, we decentralised our operations to make sure that we're existing in all native Council construction Areas in Lagos town and be extra proactive instead of reactive.
The 2nd boom initiative is PSP reform. we now have reformed our PSP, organised capability building for them and given them minimal requirements to be certain deliverables. LAWMA is extra regulatory than participatory now, and by means of doing this, we've been able to achieve more productivity in terms of trips to landfill and turnaround time for operations. greater importantly, the governor helped us to address our disposal challenges with extensive rehabilitation of all our landfills for long-time period benefit.
The third is the groundwork of LAWMA Academy, the primary fortress of gaining knowledge of for strong waste administration in Africa and Sub-Saharan Asia. The academy is aimed toward bridging the gap between useful, tutorial and theories and eradication of myths while making a conducive learning ambiance for strong waste administration. it's also tasked with undertaking research, cognizance advent, advocacy and training. We lately partnered with Lagos State State accepted basic schooling Board, to coach basic school lecturers throughout the state on strong waste management. The aim is for them to encompass waste administration in their curriculum. The training will aid primary faculty pupils to take note what it takes to manage waste and imposing beneficial waste administration ideas as a lifestyle. So we are trying to trap these fundamental college scholars young truly, and encourage them to imbibe good waste disposal subculture in them.
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