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Exam Number : PCNSA
Exam Name : Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator
Vendor Name : Palo-Alto
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PCNSA exam Format | PCNSA Course Contents | PCNSA Course Outline | PCNSA exam Syllabus | PCNSA exam Objectives
Exam Name : Network Security Administrator
Exam Number : PCNSA PAN OS 9
Exam Duration : 80 minutes
Questions in exam : 50
Passing Score : 70%
Exam Registration : PEARSON VUE
Real Questions : Palo Alto PCNSA Real Questions
VCE Practice Test : Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator Practice Test
OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate your ability to configure the central features of Palo Alto Networks Next Generation Firewall and capability to effectively deploy the firewalls to enable network traffic
Section Objectives Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform Core Requirements
- Identify the components of the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform.
- dentify the components and operation of single=> pass parallel processing architecture.
- Given a network design scenario, apply the Zero Trust security model and describe how it relates to traffic moving through your network.
- Identify stages in the Cyber=> Attack Lifecycle and firewall mitigations that can prevent attacks. Simply Passing Traffic - Identify and configure firewall management interfaces.
- Identify how to manage firewall configurations.
- Identify and schedule dynamic updates.
- Configure internal and external services for account administration.
- Given a network diagram, create the appropriate security zones.
- Identify and configure firewall interfaces.
- Given a scenario, identify steps to create and configure a virtualrouter.
- Identify the purpose of specific security rule types.
- Identify and configure security policy match conditions, actions, and logging options.
- Given a scenario, identify and implement the proper NAT solution. Traffic Visibility - Given a scenario, select the appropriate application=> based security policy rules.
- Given a scenario, configure application filters or application groups.
- Identify the purpose of application characteristics as defined in the App=> ID database.
- Identify the potential impact of App=> ID updates to existing security policy rules.
- Identify the tools to optimize security policies. Securing Traffic - Given a risk scenario, identify and apply the appropriate security profile.
- Identify the difference between security policy actions and security profile actions.
- Given a network scenario, identify how to customize security profiles.
- Identify the firewalls protection against packet=> and protocol=> based attacks.
- Identify how the firewall can use the cloud DNS database to control traffic based on domains.
- Identify how the firewall can use the PAN=> DB database to control traffic based on websites.
- Discuss how to control access to specific URLs using custom URL filtering categories. Identifying Users - Given a scenario, identify an appropriate method to map IP addresses to usernames.
- Given a scenario, identify the appropriate User=> ID agent to deploy.
- Identify how the firewall maps usernames to user groups.
- Given a graphic, identify User=> ID configuration options. Deployment Optimization - Identify the benefits and differences between the Heatmap and the BPA reports.
- Heatmap Component
- Zone Mapping Feature Section
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Palo-Alto Networks Test Prep
SALT LAKE city, June three, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightstream announced nowadays that it has done a Palo Alto Networks NextWave Prisma Cloud Specialization fame. Lightstream has met the key specialization criteria around efficiency, capabilities, and engagement based with the aid of Palo Alto Networks' NextWave three.0 accomplice application.
As corporations extend their cloud footprints to innovate and go to market quicker, cloud security ought to hold pace with the needs of each agile application development practices and hybrid and multi-cloud environments. consumers need the knowledge and equipment to make sure that their entire cloud native utility lifecycle is blanketed and compliant whereas enabling full stack insurance policy across public or deepest clouds for hosted, container, and serverless workloads.
Lightstream's fulfillment of Palo Alto Networks' Prisma Cloud Specialization provides further price to its effective cloud and protection observe. The practice emphasizes architectural excellence as well as ongoing technical optimization, remediation, and value efficiency for core, digital, and far off infrastructures. It extra validates the capabilities of Lightstream protection Managed capabilities product portfolio to tackle the continued operational wants of consumers.
"Lightstream Cloud defense, constructed on Palo Alto Networks Prisma Cloud, pairs a flexible platform approach with cloud and safety engineering talents and remediation via our 24/7 safety operations core (SOC)," noted Jeff Collins, chief approach officer for Lightstream. "consumers improvement from the vigor of Palo Alto Networks Prisma Cloud in a pay-as-you-develop managed carrier designed to healthy their wants."
"The accomplice of the following day will differentiate itself by means of building security knowledge where that need is most desirable," spoke of Karl Soderlund, SVP of international Channel revenue at Palo Alto Networks. "As a Prisma Cloud really expert partner, Lightstream will carry skills and cloud protection to our shoppers who don't all the time have the tools or elements to control integrated DevOps safety or relaxed complicated, hybrid-cloud environments. This Cloud specialization is also our commitment to establish and convey high-price alternatives to companions backed through our main safety platform, with the incentives, enablement and aid services as a way to help them establish creative new solutions."
in regards to the NextWave associate application The Palo Alto Networks NextWave companion software includes about 6,500 partners who support 80,000 valued clientele all over be triumphant with Palo Alto Networks applied sciences. Its pre-earnings, revenue, and submit-income capabilities and enablement are instrumental in helping our partners create an highest quality client journey and function relied on protection consultants. partners' achievements within the program are proactively monitored and yearly assessed.
NextWave 3.0 is a comprehensive set of application specializations, incentives, and enablement initiatives launched with the aid of Palo Alto Networks to permit companion differentiation; raise associate profitability, expand companion alternatives; and empower companion success.
To be trained extra about Lightstream's safety Managed functions, consult with our protection follow page on lightstream.tech.
About LightstreamLightstream offers full-service cloud, connectivity, and security solutions to companies global with a focus on managed capabilities for all three, in addition to cloud infrastructure implementation, security, and help.
Lightstream is an AWS security Competency partner, an AWS advanced Consulting associate, a Microsoft Cloud Platform Gold partner with safety Competency, and become named Palo Alto Networks Public Cloud companion of the 12 months in 2018 and 2019. seek advice from us at http://www.lightstream.tech or LinkedIn.
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