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PSM-I exam Format | PSM-I Course Contents | PSM-I Course Outline | PSM-I exam Syllabus | PSM-I exam Objectives
The Professional Scrum MasterTM level I (PSM I) assessment is available to anyone who wishes to validate his or her depth of knowledge of the PictureScrum framework and its application. Those who pass the assessment will receive the industry recognized PSM I Certification to demonstrate their fundamental level of Scrum mastery.
Clear understanding of the rules of Scrum through the empirical foundation of Scrum
Act as Scrum Masters for Scrum Teams and stakeholders from an in-depth understanding of servant-leadership
Effectively start using Scrum
Increase the effectiveness of Scrum underway
Scrum theory and principles
The Scrum Framework
The Definition of Done
Running a Scrum project
Working with people and teams
Scrum in your organization
The role of the Scrum Master
Ensuring that goals, scope, and product domain are understood by everyone on the Scrum
Team as well as possible;
• Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management;
• Helping the Scrum Team understand the need for clear and concise Product Backlog items;
• Understanding product planning in an empirical environment;
• Ensuring the Product Owner knows how to arrange the Product Backlog to maximize value;
• Understanding and practicing agility; and,
• Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed.
Coaching the Development Team in self-organization and cross-functionality;
• Helping the Development Team to create high-value products;
• Removing impediments to the Development Teams progress;
• Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed; and,
• Coaching the Development Team in organizational environments in which Scrum is not yet fully adopted and understood.
Leading and coaching the organization in its Scrum adoption;
• Planning Scrum implementations within the organization;
• Helping employees and stakeholders understand and enact Scrum and empirical product development;
• Causing change that increases the productivity of the Scrum Team; and,
• Working with other Scrum Masters to increase the effectiveness of the application of Scrum in the organization.
Attendees include the Scrum Team and key stakeholders invited by the Product Owner;
• The Product Owner explains what Product Backlog items have been “Done” and what has not been “Done”;
• The Development Team discusses what went well during the Sprint, what problems it ran into, and how those problems were solved;
• The Development Team demonstrates the work that it has “Done” and answers questions about the Increment;
• The Product Owner discusses the Product Backlog as it stands. He or she projects likely target and delivery dates based on progress to date (if needed);
• The entire group collaborates on what to do next, so that the Sprint Review provides valuable input to subsequent Sprint Planning;
• Review of how the marketplace or potential use of the product might have changed what is the most valuable thing to do next; and,
• Review of the timeline, budget, potential capabilities, and marketplace for the next anticipated releases of functionality or capability of the product.
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Scrum I Questions and Answers
Key Takeaways
Frameworks like Scrum@scale can assist you navigate in agile transformation by means of proposing a holistic structure that identifies pains and advantage for advancements, however they will now not provide an understanding of what motives the pains or a way to eliminate them. The framework asks the right questions, however depends upon your skills and insight to locate answers healthy to your context.
Use your intuition to be mindful the root factors, and you are more likely to find that there's a pattern in these that revolves around different styles of debt: legacy organizational constructions and mind-set, and legacy procedures which are preventing the corporation from reaching your goals.
When your management team communicates, they're more likely to bundle the advice into rare waves that hits the firm difficult and intentions are likely to be misunderstood. To mitigate resistance, consider radically changing your method to be involving and established, and accept how this can take you out of your comfort zone while supplying you with the benefits of openness and co-creation.
in case your teams are disrupted by using incidents and requests that eradicate their focus from the backlog priorities, support the crew consider no matter if the brand new projects will (greater) help them achieve their shared crew aim. price measures will also be a realistic starting aspect for facilitating these concerns.
distinctive groups who have work in regular should put money into coordinating their priorities, however unrelated groups may still now not. don't base the want for alignment on organizational constructions.
For corporations who work with application development, agile practices are actually the default approach - especially for beginning-ups - and the market is swamped with event stories and frameworks that may help facilitate agile approaches of working for teams who're "born agile". but the place do you flip to if:
you don't work with application development, and
you are a company with an extended history of being assignment-led and hierarchical?
In 2017, that turned into the question we requested ourselves, as our CIO exclaimed, "We’re going agile - and you have got full freedom to work out how".
Our context turned into that we were around one hundred engineers who have been in cost of the IT infrastructure in the LEGO group, a Danish toy manufacturing company which today has factories and offices throughout the globe and employs 18,000 americans. Our branch (Infrastructure & protection, I&S) handled everything from interior hosting, community, application integration, ERP platform, cyber security, cellphones and private computer systems, and these days we now have accelerated the portfolio to additionally include public cloud internet hosting platforms.
From Day 1, our strategy to the agile transformation has been incremental - we have not tried to devise it. Our guiding celebrity has been to are attempting to always take steps against an improved and more agile way of working by using introducing experiments and getting to know from them. Taking an incremental method doesn't imply that the strategy is devoid of constitution. To help us keep an overview of the transformation procedure and be structured in our method to introducing experiments we used a compass: Scrum@Scale, created by Jeff Sutherland.
just like Scrum at the group degree, Scrum@Scale separates the difficulty of WHAT purchasers/markets the organization will serve with what products, from HOW products that require a couple of groups’ coordinated effort are produced; see figure 1. In our case, the "customers/markets" are just like the employees (IT clients) within the LEGO neighborhood firm (we consult with them as "the enterprise"), and the "products" are the IT infrastructure points described above.

determine 1. The Scrum@scale framework
Scrum@scale, as a consequence, helps us navigate our agile transformation through providing a holistic constitution that identifies pains and capabilities for advancements. youngsters, the framework doesn't provide us with an understanding of what factors the pains - and for this reason it does not prescribe a way to eliminate the pains.
in the beginning, after having delivered the Scrum@Scale framework, we used our intuition to understand the foundation reason for the considerations we were dealing with. Over time, though, a pattern emerged: most of the pains we had were led to by way of distinct kinds of debt. when we ask ourselves why the firm is feeling a given pain, we continually come returned to answers that consist of legacy expertise, legacy organizational structures and attitude, and legacy processes that are preventing the organization from reaching our dreams. We grew to be attuned to the stale scent of debt.
in this article, the primary of a collection on how ‘debt’ can also be used to guide an agile event, we will deliver two examples of smells that are involving organizational debt, clarify the signs, the have an effect on on the business and in our company, define the experiments (countermeasures) that we now have delivered as a way to are attempting to eliminate the smell, and provide some specific - optimistically practical - assistance so you might be inspired through, if you adventure similar smells for your company.
smell #1: Wait, Who said That?
the first scent is whatever that you simply might be capable of respect regardless of the style you are equipped or what your firm does. It is about how openly you as leaders talk to and along with your corporation - and why. In Scrum@Scale it is concerning "Metrics and Transparency" as it is about developing radical transparency in the firm to provide the acceptable context for selections and reduce choice latency.
in the starting of 2020, we were experiencing organizational debt with regards to how we communicated from the management to the teams. We had endured the ancient approach of speaking the place the CTO, flanked by means of the road managers, referred to as in everybody in the branch for an hour every three-four months the place most important news had been released and changes announced. Smaller news or news that could not wait unless the subsequent Townhall assembly had been conveyed from the CTO to the neighborhood of line managers who would then relay the message to the group leads who would communicate to the groups. It turned into either communique-through-massive-bang or verbal exchange-via-chains.
Do you be aware the video game "mobile" from your childhood birthday parties? The conception is that youngsters sit down in a circle, and one (absolutely the birthday child) whispers a message to the child subsequent to him/her, who whispers the message to the child subsequent to him/her and across the message goes except it reaches the first baby once more. The usual message is obscured along the style - and the message whispered to the birthday baby is definitely very distinctive from the customary. both because of mis-hearings but additionally because of deliberate adjustments.
This was basically what we were doing when we communicated from the management to the teams: we were playing a firm-broad game of mobile in the course of the layers of the department. however we had flattened our company by using most effective having one level between the CTO and the teams, we had now not flattened and democratized our verbal exchange since it nevertheless turned into infrequent and filtered.
The have an impact on on our department was that the changes we wanted to introduce had little traction and the assistance the CTO wanted to carry became no longer achieving the teams in an easy way. The teams puzzled the factors at the back of the counsel, decisions were "faceless" and there was quite a lot of hear-say going around within the company. for example, the intent with the open-supply and free method to the agile transformation turned into "telephoned" into obligatory Scrum meetings, and the intent to ensure backlog transparency turned into "telephoned" into mandatory Jira boards functioning as performance reports for group contributors. The leaders and agile coaches spent their time dealing with confusion and resistance, instead of facilitating change, and efforts that might have been spent on solving company issues have been used for clearing up misunderstandings.
Internally, the teams have been annoyed, and in its place of feeling empowered, they felt like they have been being micromanaged and handcuffed.
We experimented with altering two issues: the frequency of tips and the purpose of assistance.as an alternative of featuring a wave of counsel within the city halls every three-four months, we wanted to introduce drip-shrewd verbal exchange. The concept turned into to flow far from a large construct-up to communique periods where the teams were wondering what styles of foremost reorganizations could be announced, and instead supply them the expectation that there changed into no huge news, just some new nuances to general challenges or issues. truly, we desired to communicate so frequently that there was a risk that it would be a little boring! hence, we all started with 30 minutes classes with the total branch a week, which was then adjusted to every second week, which felt like the right stability.
We also modified the intention of our communique from being informative to being involving. during the past, we had waited with speaking adjustments and counsel unless we knew we had the entire tips and settled all questions. Now, we delivered a precept that for 9 out of 10 changes, the challenge itself should be communicated earlier than the answer changed into decided. This elevated uncertainty within the corporation but the raise in transparency about what the management become engaged on balanced the bad have an effect on of the uncertainty as it reduced the "surprise aspect" and elevated the alternatives for co-creating solutions and involving teams.
Of direction, there were things that we could not speak instantly. To assist us navigate in what we may say and cut back the complexity, we added a new saying that went: "In all scenarios ...". we would ask ourselves that given the latest uncertainty, what would then be actual in all situations? If for example we noticed a necessity for introducing new offerings to the company, akin to become described in part 3.1, and we knew that in all scenarios the solution can be to add people to the area and break up the crew in two, we might communicate this even if we did not know what the break up would look like. This created opportunities for the group members to supply input as to what the optimum answer would be, and it signalled that we have been privy to the considerations that crucial to be solved.
Having the CTO speaking to the company every 2d week has made the verbal exchange less formal, much less anxiety-frightening, and more inclusive. selections from accurate stage management now have "a face" and there is a discussion board for the groups to get solutions to questions.
Ask your self the following questions: Are management decisions and suggestions bundled right into a wave that hits your company on a quarterly foundation? Does it consider like your organization is taking part in "cellphone", the place intentions are misunderstood and the company reacts with mistrust and resistance? Does it consider like your management group communicates extra to inform than to involve?
If the solutions to those questions are "yes", you're likely to be capable of improvement from moving towards a extra conventional, drip-wise and direct verbal exchange trend. Embracing rapid transparency will get you out of your comfort zone, however we suggest that you test with it to harvest the merits of openness and co-creation.
smell #2: So, John just called ...
The 2d smell comes from priorities - or, fairly, the shortcoming of priorities. The Scrum guide states that the team should still have one shared and prioritized backlog of projects. This makes it clear to the team what exactly they should still work on so as to maximize price creation for the firm - and notwithstanding it may also be a tough challenge to make prioritizations, the theory is that once a sprint is began, the priorities are settled as a minimum for ages, which allows for the crew to focus.
The reality in an infrastructure branch is, besides the fact that children, that a huge a part of the work to be carried out can not necessarily be planned. Incidents occur whether the backlog has anticipated them or not, and as our department features and offers elements for a lot of other product teams within the organization, requests retain ticking in - and infrequently with an urgent timeline.
furthermore, many of the teams in the infrastructure branch were operating 10-20 diverse technologies, and engineers within the groups had been to a large degree one-man-armies on the extra peripheral and legacy applied sciences, which supposed that there would simplest be one person who might work on concerns and requests in that enviornment.
hence, it changed into - and remains - elaborate to be certain a sustainable, shared center of attention in the teams because of both technique- (a way to tackle unplanned work?), technical and organizational debt (legacy know-how is swallowing people). In Scrum@Scale we would put it under "Backlog Prioritization" because it is related to considerations in picking out a clear order for functions to be delivered and may mirror value creation, however we'd remedy it with "Metrics and Transparency," as it become not first and most advantageous a controversy between the teams, however somewhat within the teams as there changed into a primary difficulty for teams in making the appropriate choices throughout a sprint in accordance with cost - were we prioritizing the correct issues and contours?
For the first 70 years of our corporation’s historical past, the success became developed on the close group that existed between the personnel within the enterprise. in case you necessary whatever thing from an additional branch, the handiest way ahead changed into to go and ask for it - and probably the most a hit employees had a big community of chums and acquaintances. It rarely paid off to are attempting to enhance issues or play the "mandate card": you utilized your social network and your goodwill to get what you necessary.
however the business has become global and it’s not viable to understand everyone - and even simply comprehend somebody who is aware of someone - the social network nevertheless performs a significant function. people nonetheless attain out through their community to get support, and being a superb colleague in the LEGO neighborhood potential that you just help out when crucial. The authentic priorities of the backlog are hence commonly challenged, and we have a lot of "first priorities" which capability we would not have any priorities.
The consequences to the team backlog and priorities of taking in new tasks became doubtful, however the end result of not taking in new projects changed into obtrusive as it intended we would hurt our members of the family with a colleague if we referred to "no" - a relation we might want later. So we might work on the issues brought to us by probably the most noisy valued clientele.
This setup meant that support was no longer given to those who crucial it probably the most and a focus turned into now not given to the considerations that were of maximum cost. To the enterprise, it felt like we have been out of touch with the common enterprise wants. There can be lengthy or unclear lead-times and eventually a few of our customers would give up and check out to locate an answer on their own. This once again intended that they were spending time on fixing initiatives and constructing knowledge that they may have averted. We duplicated work across the corporation.
one other derived impact became that because the shoppers didn't have the identical insights and talents as we had, they at last would introduce protection and availability threats because of poorly architectured solutions and thus the outcome for the total enterprise was multiplied possibility.Internally, the groups felt like they were working in circles. It changed into no longer clear what they had been working in opposition t - they had been chasing the latest hearth.
What the teams needed turned into a compass that might e-book them to make the correct selections when incidents and requests were posed to them when the cellphone rang on a Tuesday morning, anything that could aid them decide will this - or some thing else on the backlog - assist us towards our purpose, or will it distract us from that?
To facilitate this we started working with cost measures. For each of the 43 items in our portfolio, we defined an objective (what is it that we are looking to achieve for the company with this product), a measure (how do we translate the goal into anything that can be measured), and metrics (proposing the genuine numbers). An illustration is given beneath in figure 2 which outlines the price measure for the foundational cloud platform we supply to developers within the digital organization to make it as convenient for them as feasible to devour and construct on public cloud components with minimal cognitive load.
in particular for this illustration we might song how long the lead time was to get an business-configured account (measured in minutes), how well the product solved considerations for the shoppers (how many of the consumers would opt for our solution in its place of managing the foundationals themselves), and how well the product helped protect the company from hazards (how plenty compliance turned into the platform guaranteeing).
On a everyday basis, the value measure can supply a compass to navigate requests and incidents that attain them: will it help us reduce lead time, enhance variety of shoppers on the solution, and boost coverage of our debts? If not, the team must think tough about no matter if to prioritize to work on the task.

figure 2. instance of a worth measure for the product "AWS cloud touchdown zone", a platform for inner developers.
in the technique of growing the price measures we found that we had been catching loads of tasks that didn't hyperlink as much as the targets of the items we had described. It begun a process of accepting that these projects would must be surpassed over to another product team - notwithstanding that crew might not at the start have the essential capabilities and expertise to handle them - or not finished. The latter became above all challenging, however the method of deciding upon "shadow items" that had been now not formally recognized but stored alive by way of people in the firm because they felt in charge has been imperative to create center of attention. Â
The groups became sharper in understanding what their particular obligations and center of attention areas had been and it grew to be less difficult for them to spoil down the skilled barriers internal the teams and involve every different within the areas that prior had been managed by way of one adult.
The process of defining the price measures become fantastically easy, specially because the product house owners begun to see the cost of the cost measure. youngsters, the measures are in most groups nevertheless a high-degree thought that hasn't been absolutely embedded in familiar resolution-making and movements similar to planning, and many others.
if your groups have difficulties keeping their center of attention on the backlog priorities and are disrupted by way of incidents and requests round numerous topics, we advocate that you just facilitate that they think of the penalties of taking in new projects: are they clear? How do they relate to the shared crew aim? And do you say "no" or do you just postpone indefinitely? Does your crew be aware of in the event that they are working in circles or progressing? value measures will also be a realistic beginning point for facilitating these talks and begin moving the groups against making the correct selections.
Closing Remarks
Smells, pains, impediments - other ways of describing issues - may also be inspected with many different lenses. And to make a a success agile transformation, we agree with that using diverse lenses, viewpoints and tiers of abstraction is paramount. Above, we've tried to be very useful and prescriptive in how we recommend you scan if you are experiencing selected considerations akin to what we now have described. The up-side of this method is that it is - neatly, purposeful. you can go domestic and start your scan at once. The down-side is that truth is advanced, and if your condition is not precisely corresponding to ours (which complexity suggests that it isn't) you are prone to no longer get the same result we did.
To adjust for this risk, we wish to conclude with a collection of more high-stage ideas that we are additionally continually navigating from. We consider that in case you add these to the mix when planning your experiments, you're much more likely to be in a position to choose if the experiments are more likely to be the appropriate medication in your illnesses.For both experiments to eradicate organizational debt described above, we've discovered guide in right here two ideas:
Align the organization. Alignment is king concerning making certain that the crew has a standard focus and a transparent accountability, and that no longer everything is priority One. however, alignment is possibly a God when it involves ensuring the same for teams who're stylish on each and every other, which is an activity in scaling that becomes more complex when teams give varied and distinct products to distinct and often different consumers. some thing you do, don't underestimate the vigor - and the complexity - of go-crew alignment.
do exactly-enough coordination. Aligning the company from right to backside may also be taken to the intense, and so can the desire to foster extremely quickly decision making. The unique aspect is that the former tends to decelerate the latter. anything you do, continuously are attempting to discover the right steadiness in coordination; simplest groups who definitely have some thing in normal or rely on each different may still invest time in coordinating their priorities - and handiest when there's a selected problem to clear up.
concerning the Authors
Anne Abell is Strategic guide on the LEGO group. Advises the CTO on product- and organizational method, and has labored as scrum grasp and product proprietor. Abell holds a physician of Philosophy in counsel know-how project Portfolio management, a grasp of Science in guidance know-how and a BSc in Political Science; is certified Scrum@Scale practitioner and licensed in ITIL foundation and ITIL service Operation.
Carsten Ruseng Jakobsen is Agile teach at develop past. Jakobsen has more than 25 years of hands-on experience working with alternate administration in principal Danish companies; is without doubt one of the agile pioneers and considering that 2005 has labored with implementation of agile mindsets and tradition to obtain company agility. Jakobsen has presented experiences at overseas conferences like SEPG 2007, Agile 2007, Agile 2008, Agile 2009, Agile 2011, OOP 2014 and XP 2020. Jakobsen holds a Diploma of Engineering business Administration (EBA), Scrum trainer by Scrum Inc., licensed Scrum@Scale trainer (CSaST), licensed Scrum@Scale Practitioner, licensed Scrum knowledgeable (CSP). certified Scrum grasp (CSM), and certified Scrum Product proprietor(CSPO).
Rasmus Lund Jensen is Agile coach at the LEGO neighborhood. Jensen teaches, coaches and develops leaders of their roles as scrum masters and product house owners to facilitate agile transformation. Jensen holds a master of Science in Engineer, know-how primarily based enterprise construction and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineer. Jensen is certified Scrum master, Scrum Alliance certified crew educate, and Scrum@Scale practitioner. Has attended main corporation and alter (MIT), summer Institute for frequent administration, Stanford tuition GSB, Situational management II (CfL).