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Praxis-Core test
Format | Praxis-Core Course Contents | Praxis-Core Course Outline | Praxis-Core test
Syllabus | Praxis-Core test
You have been working to acquire the knowledge and skills you need for your teaching career. Now you are
ready to demonstrate your abilities by taking a Praxis® test.
Using the Praxis® Study Companion is a smart way to prepare for the test so you can do your best on test day.
This guide can help keep you on track and make the most efficient use of your study time.
The Study Companion contains practical information and helpful tools, including:
• An overview of the Praxis tests
• Specific information on the Praxis test you are taking
• A template study plan
• Study topics
• Practice questions and explanations of correct answers
• Test-taking tips and strategies
• Frequently asked questions
• Links to more detailed information
So where should you start=> Begin by reviewing this guide in its entirety and note those sections that you need
to revisit. Then you can create your own personalized study plan and schedule based on your individual needs
and how much time you have before test day.
Keep in mind that study habits are individual. There are many different ways to successfully prepare for your
test. Some people study better on their own, while others prefer a group dynamic. You may have more energy
early in the day, but another test taker may concentrate better in the evening. So use this guide to develop the
approach that works best for you.
Test Name Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing
Test Code 5722
Time 100 minutes, divided into a 40-minute selected-response section and two
30-minute essay sections
Number of Questions 40 selected-response questions and two essay questions
Format Selected-response questions involving usage, sentence correction, revision in
context, and research skills; 2 essay Topics as the basis for writing samples
Test Delivery Computer delivered
Approximate Approximate
Content Categories Number of Percentage of Questions* Examination
I. Text Types, Purposes, and Production 6–12 selected-response 60%
2 essay
II. Language and Research Skills 28–34 selected-response 40%
for Writing
* Includes both scored and unscored (pretest) questions. Depending on the
number of pretest questions included in each scoring category, the total number
of questions in that category may vary from one form of the test to another.
The Core Academic Skills for Educators Test in Writing measures academic skills in writing needed to prepare
successfully for a career in education. All skills assessed have been identified as needed for college and career
readiness, in alignment with the Common Core State Standards for Writing.
The Writing test is 100 minutes in length and has three separately timed sections: a 40-minute selectedresponse section containing 40 selected-response questions and two 30-minute essay sections that each
require a response based on an essay topic. This test may contain some questions that will not count toward
your score.
The selected-response section is designed to measure examinees ability to use standard written English
correctly and effectively. This section is divided into four parts: usage, sentence correction, revision in context,
and research skills. In the usage questions, examinees are asked to recognize errors in mechanics, in structural
and grammatical relationships, and in idiomatic
expressions or word choice. They are also asked to
recognize sentences that have no errors and that
meet the conventions of standard written English. The
sentence correction questions require examinees to
select, from among the choices presented, the best
way to restate a certain phrase or sentence by using
standard written English; in some cases, the phrase
or sentence is correct and most effective as stated.
Examinees are not required to have a knowledge of
formal grammatical terminology. In the revision-incontext questions, examinees are asked to recognize
how a passage with which they are presented can be
strengthened through editing and revision. Revisionin-context questions require examinees to consider
development, organization, word choice, style, tone,
and the conventions of standard written English. In
some cases, the indicated portion of a passage will be
most effective as it is already expressed and thus will
require no changes.
In the research skills questions, examinees are asked to
recognize effective research strategies, recognize the
different elements of a citation, recognize information
relevant to a particular research task, and assess the
credibility of sources.
The two essays assess examinees ability to
write effectively in a limited period of time. The
Argumentative essay Topic invites examinees to draw
from personal experience, observation, or memorizing to
support a position with specific reasons and examples.
The Informative/Explanatory essay Topic asks
examinees to extract information from two provided
sources to identify important concerns related to an
The Topics for the Argumentative and Informative/
Explanatory essays attempt to present situations
that are familiar to all educated people; no Topic will
require any specialized knowledge other than an
understanding of how to write effectively in English.
Examinees should write only on the Topic assigned
for each essay task, address all the points presented
in the topic, and support generalizations with
specific examples. For the Informative/Explanatory
essay, examinees should also draw information from
both sources, making sure to cite the source of the
information. Before beginning to write each essay,
examinees should read the Topic and organize their
thoughts carefully.
I. Text Types, Purposes, and Production
A. Text Production: Writing Arguments
1. Produce an argumentative essay to support a claim using relevant and sufficient evidence
2. Write clearly and coherently
a. address the assigned task appropriately for an audience of educated adults
b. organize and develop ideas logically, making coherent connections between them
c. provide and sustain a clear focus or thesis
d. use supporting reasons, examples, and details to develop clearly and logically the ideas presented
e. demonstrate facility in the use of language and the ability to use a variety of sentence structures
f. construct effective sentences that are generally free of errors in standard written English
B. Text Production: Writing Informative/ Explanatory Texts
1. Produce an informative/explanatory essay to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content
a. write clearly and coherently
b. address the assigned task appropriately for an audience of educated adults
c. draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis
d. organize and develop ideas logically, making coherent connections between them
e. synthesize information from multiple sources on the subject
f. integrate and attribute information from multiple sources on the subject, avoiding plagiarism
g. provide and sustain a clear focus or thesis
h. demonstrate facility in the use of language and the ability to use a variety of sentence structures
i. construct effective sentences that are generally free of errors in standard written English
C. Text Production: Revision
1. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing
a. recognize how a passage can be strengthened through editing and revision
– apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts and to make effective choices for meaning or style
> choose words and phrases for effect
> choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely
> maintain consistency in style and tone
II. Language and Research Skills for Writing
A. Language Skills
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
a. grammatical relationships recognize and correct:
– errors in the use of adjectives and adverbs
– errors in noun-noun agreement
– errors in pronoun-antecedent agreement
– errors in pronoun case
– errors in the use of intensive pronoun
– errors in pronoun number and person
– vague pronouns
– errors in subject-verb agreement
– inappropriate shifts in verb tense
b. structural relationships
recognize and correct:
– errors in the placement of phrases and clauses within a sentence
– misplaced and dangling modifiers
– errors in the use of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
– fragments and run-ons
– errors in the use of correlative conjunctions
– errors in parallel structure
c. word choice recognize and correct:
– errors in the use of idiomatic expressions
– errors in the use of frequently confused words
– wrong word use
– redundancy
d. No Error recognize:
– sentences free of errors in the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization and punctuation
a. mechanics recognize and correct::
– errors in capitalization
– errors in punctuation
> commas (e.g., the use of a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of the sentence)
> semicolons (e.g., the use of a semicolon [and perhaps a conjunctive adverb] to link two or more closely related independent clauses)
> apostrophes (e.g., the use of an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives)
b. no errror
– recognize sentences free of errors in the conventions of standard English capitalization and punctuation
B. Research Skills
1. Recognize and apply appropriate research skills and strategies
a. assess the credibility and relevance of sources
b. recognize the different elements of a citation
c. recognize effective research strategies
d. recognize information relevant to a particular research task
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Admission-Tests Core test
Optimizing your on-line save for serps is important for using sales. besides the fact that children, these platforms frequently introduce new ranking standards. Most currently, Google announced that its new Core internet Vitals initiative will become an element in how content is indexed and returned to users.
thankfully, there are already equipment available that may support you meet these new necessities. The Jetpack enhance plugin is designed principally with Core internet Vitals metrics in intellect and boasts an easy one-click configuration manner.
in this article, we’ll look at why optimizing for Core net Vitals now can be the key to getting ahead of your competition. We’ll then exhibit you the way to installation Jetpack boost, and discover what’s occurring at the back of the scenes should you enable each module. Let’s dive in!
An Introduction to Google’s Core web Vitals (and Why They’re vital)
With over 50 % of all web traffic originating from organic search, search engine optimization (web optimization) is vital for all websites. although, it’s notably critical for eCommerce websites. for many stores, over forty p.c of salary outcomes from biological traffic.
search engines use a number of elements to index and rank content and bring correct and principal outcomes to users. As such, platforms such as Google invariably put into effect new standards to enhance their consumer journey (UX). The existing
of these is Core net Vitals.
The Core web Vitals initiative measures how clients understand the speed, responsiveness, and visual balance of your on-line shop. above all, it measures your eCommerce web page’s First enter delay (FID), largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and Cumulative layout Shift (CLS).
FID is the delay between a client interacting with your save for the first time and their browser responding to that interplay. based on Google, be sure to goal for an FID of 100 milliseconds or much less.
in the meantime, LCP is how long it takes to render the largest content material aspect on your website. to satisfy Google’s guidelines, your LCP may still load in 2.5 seconds or much less.
at last, CLS is the unexpected design shifts that may ensue all through the web page loading section. It’s rated from 0-1, and an incredible size is beneath 0.1.
in the beginning slated for a may also 2021 rollout, Core net Vitals will now become a ranking element in mid-June 2021. despite the fact, it received’t play its full position in the rating gadget except the end of August.
via optimizing for Core web Vitals, that you can increase your SEO. With proof to indicate that under 15 percent of internet sites would circulate a Core net Vitals evaluation, this may additionally even be a way to profit an edge over your competition.
the way to establish a performance Baseline in your eCommerce site
before conducting any form of optimization, it’s essential to establish a baseline. by means of evaluating your web page earlier than and after you are taking steps to Strengthen
it, you could see the exact have an impact on each approach has on your keep’s performance.
this may help you establish the moves that convey the greatest merits to your particular eCommerce shop, that may help inform future optimization actions. for instance, if enabling lazy image loading has a dramatic have an impact on to your site’s speed, you can also wish to agree with exploring other photo optimization thoughts.
you can measure your website’s efficiency using a tool akin to Google PageSpeed Insights:
Google has also created a committed reporting tool in order to measure your website’s performance towards the certain Core internet Vitals metrics using old, true-world information.
you can additionally measure your web site’s efficiency towards the Core internet Vitals metrics with Chrome consumer event document (CrUX). This device offers a dataset of Chrome users’ experiences, launched as a Google BigQuery public challenge.
To assist WordPress website house owners achieve web optimization success, the Jetpack team has released the Jetpack raise plugin. while there are many plugins that may enhance your website’s performance, Jetpack increase is principally designed to help you meet all of Google’s Core web Vitals necessities.
despite the fact this plugin is a component of the Jetpack manufacturer, it doesn’t require the Jetpack plugin. After setting up and activating enhance, navigate to Jetpack enhance > Get all started for your WordPress dashboard. it will prompt you to function some standard configuration steps.
as soon as the setup procedure is complete, click on Jetpack enhance for your dashboard’s left-hand menu. The plugin will then scan your site and reveal an initial rating:
at the time of this writing, Jetpack boost contains out three different optimization strategies packaged as separate modules. that you could set off each one personally.
Jetpack enhance will run the linked optimization approach for each and every module and update the rating it provides in your web page’s Core net Vitals metrics. whereas this number can supply you a top level view of your store’s performance, for more particular perception we advocate using a 3rd-birthday celebration device to look at various your web page earlier than and after activating every module.
a way to Optimize Your eCommerce store With Jetpack raise (three Key advice)
With Jetpack raise, you have got access to 3 tools that you should toggle on and off with the click of a button. besides the fact that children these modules are designed to be one-click options, it helps to take note precisely what each of them does. Let’s take a closer look.
1. Optimize Cascading trend Sheets (CSS) Loading
CSS (Cascading fashion Sheets) is a coding language that tells browsers a way to vogue your webpages. This contains specifying the color of your text, the measurement of your photos, and plenty more.
despite the fact, CSS is additionally a render-blocking off useful resource. This capacity that browsers cannot screen your web page to users until your CSS has comprehensive loading.
that you may Strengthen
your web page’s loading times through relocating code known as ‘vital CSS’ to the desirable of your pages:
This approach extracts the CSS that’s required to display content material above the fold. rather than rendering the code in a separate file, essentially the most vital CSS is loaded first. this can increase your perceived page load instances and your Core net Vitals scores.
Jetpack enhance’s Optimize CSS Loading module additionally ensures that your CSS file itself doesn’t block the rendering of your webpages through the use of an asynchronous attribute.
After you replace your theme or Jetpack increase, you could need to come back to the settings screen and click on the Regenerate hyperlink:
this will clear your cache so that your CSS remains smartly-optimized.
2. Defer Non-essential JavaScript
JavaScript is a different render-blocking aid. happily, it has a defer factor. This tells browsers to hold constructing your page while concurrently downloading the JavaScript, but now not to execute this code unless the web page has been rendered.
This attribute is beneficial for JavaScript that’s involving non-essential aspects, akin to an image or video that seems below the fold. As soon as this module is enabled, Jetpack raise will simplest execute non-elementary scripts as soon as the relaxation of the page loads.
through the use of Jetpack enhance to defer non-simple JavaScript, you can reduce your page load instances. you could also enormously enhance perceived load instances by means of prioritizing the code that’s quintessential for friends to beginning interacting along with your content material.
three. permit Lazy image Loading
On general, images make up essentially 17 % of a webpage’s complete weight. Having distinct photos on the equal page can drastically enhance the time it takes your content to render. although, browsers frequently don’t should load every single graphic without delay, peculiarly once they appear under the fold.
Lazy loading is an optimization method that hundreds visible content most effective. Browsers will extend downloading and rendering extra photographs unless clients scroll down, bringing more content into view.
in case your web site facets any visuals, then we recommend enabling lazy loading. youngsters, this approach is certainly important if you use loads of high-resolution photos, or if in case you have a habit of including distinctive photographs on a single page.
It’s price noting that lazy loading is enabled via default in WordPress 5.5. within the event that you just’re running an prior edition of WordPress, then it’s sensible to take advantage of Jetpack boost photograph optimization and enable the Lazy image Loading module.
When Google changes its ranking criteria, it could actually spell crisis to your eCommerce web page’s search engine marketing. despite the fact, by means of performing quickly you may be in a position to use the brand new Core web Vitals initiative to your expertise and gain an facet over your competitors.
Jetpack increase can support you put together for Core web Vitals with these three excellent performance-boosting concepts:
Optimize CSS loading.
Defer non-simple Javascript.
permit lazy photo loading.
Do you nonetheless have questions about Jetpack boost? Ask away in the comments area below!