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SCP-500 exam Format | SCP-500 Course Contents | SCP-500 Course Outline | SCP-500 exam Syllabus | SCP-500 exam Objectives
Format: 75 multiple-choice questions
Time allotment: 90 minutes
Study Resources
Each category in this guide includes links to subjects
with information. The intention of the resources in this guide are to supplement your years of experience and hands-on training with SolarWinds products. The included resources are not all-inclusive and should only aid as a starting place for your studies.
Becoming a SolarWinds Certified Professional® (SCP) helps ensure you have the technical expertise to effectively use and maintain SolarWinds® network and systems management products. Earn a SolarWinds Certified Professional certificate to Strengthen
your marketability as an IT professional and stand out from the crowd.
Each product-specific SCP exam has an exam preparation guide. The exam preparation guides are not all-inclusive and should only aid as a starting place for your studies.
If you have a SolarWinds product under active maintenance, you have access to virtual and on-demand training.
To access SolarWinds Academy classes:
Note – The SolarWinds Academy classes are additional study resources, and are not explicitly designed for the SCP exam.
Becoming a SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP) ensures that you have the technical expertise to effectively use and maintain SolarWinds network and systems management products.
SolarWinds Certified Professional Program
Our certifications build on the foundation of a global network of more than 5,500 SCPs and focus on enabling effective use of SolarWinds network and systems management products.
The revamped program provides access to geek-tested product-specific exams, advanced-level online training courses, exclusive access to expert-led live SCP webcasts, and more.
SolarWinds collaborated with outside companies to provide SCP preparation courses to offer you comprehensive classes that prepare you to be a successful SCP candidate.
PSIs examination delivery services conduct the SCP certification, which means SCP candidates can access examinations from any web browser and utilize PSIs proprietary remote proctoring technology, allowing for anywhere, anytime testing, with integrity.
- Architecture and Design
- Access Rights Manager
- Diagnostics
- Network Configuration Manager
- Network Performance Monitor
- NetFlow Traffic Analyzer
- Server & Application Monitor
The SolarWinds Orion Platform provides common services such as alerting, reporting, intuitive dashboards, and charts. An Orion Platform deployment includes at least two servers, the Primary server where you install your Orion Platform products and includes the Main Polling Engine and the Orion Web Console. A separate server to install the SolarWinds Orion database. Learn more about the Orion Platform architecture.
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SUN Certified study tips

Ciara O’Brien working within the laboratory at Cranfield tuition, where she begun her PhD programme amid COVID-19 lockdowns.credit: Cranfield college
In September 2020, I begun my PhD programme in plant science at Cranfield institution, a postgraduate-simplest analysis institute in the united kingdom. I struggled with many points of the transition from undergraduate to PhD analyze at the beginning — chiefly with the added challenges of lockdown. With varying stages of restrictions still affecting many researchers, here are one of the most things I learnt.
control your expectations when surroundings goals
I had grand expectations of what i might obtain within the first few months of my programme. I did be capable to flow from ireland to the United Kingdom, and acquired myself install at the laboratory — however I had additionally anticipated to have almost accomplished my first draft of a literature evaluation, designed experiments and commenced my own lab work.
check in for counsel and equipment to help you work smarter within the new commonplace
these concepts have been unexpectedly torpedoed. all over month one, I did essentially no science. I moved to a new country, which supposed finding accommodation devoid of viewings and opening a bank account with out a credit background. this is normally complicated satisfactory, but I couldn’t seek advice from banks in adult and relied on automatic methods. luckily, I moved earlier than Brexit and didn’t need to quarantine — however essential steps nonetheless took longer on account of lockdown. I spent hours on the mobile with the college’s information-technology department, making an attempt to acquire and set up a work desktop. once I obtained it, I did an internet defense-practicing direction (only to discover I needed to redo it because my browser crashed and didn’t retailer my growth) and filled out kind after form to get my student number, pupil finance stipend and lab-entry credentials.
Having no longer achieved the rest such as PhD research, i was frightened of letting my supervisors down correct firstly. however when I spoke to them about my (minimal) development in analyzing papers and designing experiments, they'd predicted that these projects would take loads of time and reminded me that despite the fact filling out every form under the sun may not feel like science, it is figure.
Volunteering to assist others helps you in the long run
Most PhD college students will start at a university it's new to them, which capacity meeting a brand new set of supervisors, technicians, professors, administrative personnel and more. when you do get to grasp these individuals, it’s plenty less difficult to grasp who to ask for what.
however it’s extra elaborate to go in the course of the ‘attending to know you’ manner on-line. Volunteering to support out with ‘soiled’ jobs helped me to get to understand individuals and brought me into the lab to satisfy others face-to-face. I also garnered favour among others in my team. I spent per week defrosting freezers, and one other week moving sacks of potatoes from one room to an extra. i will’t count what number of hours I spent cleaning our lab equipment that had been in storage! however now, i do know virtually the entire technicians in my department — so soliciting for support or assistance is less daunting.
This also gave me a sense of ‘family’. Lockdown supposed that numbers within the lab had been kept to a minimum, so I didn’t meet many individuals as ‘organically’ as others may have in ordinary situations. I additionally couldn’t commute domestic without placing my family in danger. Christmas would have been unbearable if not for the individuals I met in my first few months, and now all of us have a assist community.
Take ownership of your project
just earlier than I all started my programme, my supervisor despatched me the furnish utility she had used to get funding for my mission. at the start, I caught to it like scripture, focusing often on the references used in the software rather than getting a consider for the container in normal. Even when some materials of the venture didn’t healthy with the others, or I found gaps within the literature that I might and wanted to address, I didn’t have the confidence to claim ownership of my task.
however as I began to design experiments and develop hypotheses, i wished to delve deeper into some points of the project and scrap others. one of the vital proposed experiments have been simply not purchasable with the dispensed time and supplies, and as soon as I defined why to my supervisors, they have been actually supportive of my changes. one of the crucial initial dreams of my assignment became evaluating harvest instances of fruit, regardless of early- and late-harvested fruit getting used for fully distinct applications. My company sponsor, Orchard condominium meals, doesn’t work with one of those harvests, so i would have had to supply alternatives from different farms just to do a analyze that has already been accomplished a few times. After three months, I finally requested whether it changed into truly value investigating this, giving my causes, and we scrapped it.
besides the fact that I didn’t design my PhD undertaking from scratch, taking possession has allowed me to ‘pitch’ adjustments to each lecturers and trade companions and has been one of the most constructive advantage I’ve developed so far.
Your style does not have to healthy your supervisor’s vogue
My two leading supervisors are food scientists Mari Carmen Alamar and Natalia Falagán. Mari Carmen is familiar for working across the lab and yelling everything, so that you can always hear her coming. Natalia is calm and accrued, maintaining everything scheduled. if you set her lab coat on fireplace, she’d doubtless simply take it off and get the appropriate extinguisher.
collection: the PhD
at the beginning, i attempted to imitate their patterns as closely as I could, switching to suit whoever become working with me on the time. i tried making lists and timetables in Natalia’s fashion, but turned into adjusting the times so often that it was more advanced than winging it. If Mari Carmen ran, I ran after her — and couldn’t last long because of my short legs. I essential extra coffee than my heart could tackle to suit her intensity. This grew to become out to be a waste of energy spent attempting to be someone else, when what I necessary to do was settle for my very own working trend. I still run, however simplest on rare events, and my to-do list is written on the lower back of my hand instead of scheduled in a diary. in case you see someone with a working trend that you just like, adapt yours to include it. but, simply because somebody is your supervisor, that doesn’t imply remember to mannequin everything you do on the groundwork of how they do it.
manipulate your expectations of yourself
after I first started my programme, i attempted to work all day, every day — including weekends — pondering that’s what turned into expected of me. From hearing displays of other PhD college students and seeing the work that goes into publishing a manuscript in a journal, i believed the most effective way I might keep up with americans ‘smarter’ than me became to outwork them. Of route it wasn’t, but i was comparing myself with an incredible that doesn’t exist. This turned into made worse by using not having lots contact with people additional alongside on their PhD journeys, because i used to be working in general from domestic. inserting this power on myself turned into emotionally and physically onerous, so, when i was getting valuable comments, I took it as criticism instead of aid. I anticipated myself to do things completely the first time. I didn’t take breaks once I crucial them, and ended up having to take longer ones later. Admitting to yourself, and your supervisors, when issues are overwhelming early on will end up saving you time and sleep.
all the time enjoy the small achievements
There are a lot of setbacks in a PhD programme, however there are only as many achievements. A presentation went neatly, someone complimented your diagram, you complete an hour early: these are all issues worth celebrating as an awful lot as losing the put up-it notice you had been writing on is worth stressing about.
I’m somebody who issues concerning the little things — as tons as I are attempting no longer to — so making certain i'm as vocal and celebratory over small achievements is important for my stability. Papers and can provide aren't the handiest things worth congratulating different americans for, too. After finishing my first draft of a literature overview (in month seven), I took a full time without work to devour pizza and watch daytime tv. and i will always be keeping a pint of ice cream on hand to have fun completing that evaluation or getting through a development assessment.
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